What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change?

Salvabrani.com – What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change?

Check out the IPS answer key for class 9 page 149 competency test chapter 2, forms of socio-cultural change and globalization of multiple choice questions.

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Socio-cultural changes that occur are driven by several things, for example, such as increasing and decreasing population, new discoveries, conflicts, rebellions, the natural environment, wars and the influence of other communities.

The forms of socio-cultural change are very diverse.
Fast social change, slow social change, planned change, unplanned change, small change and big change.

What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change?

The perceived influence is positive and some is negative.

The positive influences that we can feel from modernization include developments in science and technology, increased effectiveness and efficiency in various fields of life, as well as open information and communication.

Meanwhile, the negative influence of globalization for socio-cultural changes in society is quite large.

These influences include westernization, demoralization, socio-economic inequality, crime, juvenile delinquency, environmental pollution, and high individualism.


The following includes the relationship between social change and cultural change:

A. cultural change is followed by social change

B. social change followed by cultural change

C. Social change is not always followed by cultural change

D. cultural change equals social change

Answer: C. Social change is not always followed by cultural change

Thus the key to the answer to the IPS answer content: What follows includes the relationship between social change and cultural change? IPS Class 9 Page 149 competency test chapter 2, socio-cultural changes and globalization of multiple choice questions, I hope this is useful.

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